My Academic Adventures at Lund University

by Islom Marksov, guest researcher from the General’s Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan

My academic adventures at Lund University began when I arrived in Lund on August 30. I had already started my research in Uzbekistan, and at Lund University, I had the opportunity to continue my work and explore the conditions provided by the university.

Islom Marksov at the main library Lund University holds a high rank in international comparisons of higher education institutions, consistently placing in the global top 100 in various university rankings. Conducting research at this esteemed university was a delightful experience for me.

Lund University impressed me as a remarkable institution dedicated to real science, offering equal opportunities to students, university staff, and visiting researchers like myself. Soon after starting my research, I attended a seminar titled “Social Control and Political Exclusion: Collective Legal Mobilization and the Law as Possibility or Impossibility” on September 6, 2023. The event was attended by professors, doctoral students, staff, and guest researchers from two departments at Lund University. This seminar provided me with an excellent opportunity to enhance my scientific skills and gain valuable experience.

At Lund University, I discovered numerous opportunities for personal growth. Professors constantly provided me with valuable advice on recommended books and articles. I was particularly impressed by the historical significance of the Lund Library. The university also granted me access to foreign publications relevant to my research and facilitated my learning of research methods within the field of sociology of law. I made use of the electronic resources database and library resources available at Lund University during my studies.

Islom Marksov with PhD student and professors I began reading books recommended by the professors in my department, gaining insights into the origins of corruption and research methodologies for studying it.

Islom Marks while readingMy research at Lund University focused on the topic “Prospects of improving the legal framework of the Republic of Uzbekistan related to foreign direct investments and issues of reducing the risk of corruption.” During this research, I examined the mechanisms for safeguarding the rights of foreign investors and investigated the historical and current legislative measures implemented by different countries to combat corruption in this domain. Working alongside leading professors and teachers at Lund University, I collaborated on drafting an article within the scope of my research topic. The studies revealed that developed countries follow certain practices to protect the rights and legal interests of foreign investors and prevent corruption in this field:

Firstly, they develop strategic plans aimed at comprehensive economic development and enhancing the country’s investment environment. These plans are directly influenced by international economic indices that international financial institutions and rating agencies maintain. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly study research on international ratings and indices assessing the investment environment, its attractiveness, and the risk of corruption in a particular country or region.

Secondly, it is vital for investors that the state guarantees provided to foreign investors ensure that their property is not harmed by specific actions. These guarantees include measures such as not impeding the repatriation of capital, protecting investments from destruction during times of war or civil unrest, and more.

Thirdly, it is necessary to enhance the legal framework for investment protection and ensure the effective implementation of existing laws and regulations, thereby upholding the rule of law. Foreign companies should have confidence that disputes with local partners will be resolved through the legal system. Strengthening the judicial system and ensuring the fair and efficient resolution of investment disputes are crucial in this regard.

Fourth, transparency in the legal system should be increased, and bureaucratic obstacles for foreign investors should be reduced. This can be achieved by introducing electronic systems for investment registration and streamlining procedures for obtaining licenses and permits.

Fifth, the protection of intellectual property rights should be strengthened since many foreign companies make significant investments in their brands and products. At Lund University, I studied articles on this topic and examined relevant case studies conducted by scientists.

During the course of my research, I will continue to pursue answers to the following questions. In the future, I plan to conduct interviews with theoretical scientists and field representatives to gain further insights.

December 28, 2023

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