Secondment experience: from Westminster International University in Tashkent to Istanbul Medipol University

by Khasan Sayfutdinov, Senior Lecturer at Westminster International University in Tashkent

Living Cost in the Istanbul

The cost of both accommodation and daily expenses increased in Istanbul. In 2024, Istanbul climbed 55 spots to become the 130th most expensive city for expatriates. Rents in Istanbul surged by 301%, while in Ankara, tenants faced an average increase of 141%.[1]New Airbnb regulations[2] also imposed which states that Hosts renting entire real estate properties (e.g. entire homes, apartments) for less than 100 nights must obtain a Permit Certificate for Touristic Rental of Residence (“Konutun Turizm Amaçlı Kiralanmasına Ilişkin İzin Belgesi”). The permit needs to be obtained regardless of the purpose for which the accommodation is rented (e.g. education, health, work, etc.). In the beginning, it was difficult to find hosts who were willing to rent for one month. Later we managed to find and rent one apartment in the Besiktas area.

Getting Around: How to get the Medipol University  


I usually commute by bus 121A to the south campus of the university. It took 15 minutes from Levent to the Kavacik bus stop. It is really convenient to reach the South Campus from the European side of the city.

About the campus (South Campus)

Kavacık South Campus

The South Campus covers the School of Medicine, International School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Pharmacy, Medipol Business School, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, and School of Law. I have used the library since it was empty during the summer. The library has also offered access to the e-resources. At the end of July, newly enrolled students started their induction week. The University campus is really modern and you can find a Starbucks coffee shop on the ground floor

About the Research:

My research is about fair competition in the retail market and types of corruption in the private sector. Corruption flourishes in industries where markets function poorly, and corruption is short-lived and limited in industries where markets function well. Fair competition drives out corruptive practices in the relevant industries. During my research stay, I have also learned about the level of transparency in trade-related regulations (technical regulations, custom valuation, calculation of tariffs, accessibility of non-tariff for imported products) and measures.  At the micro level, I have also researched “slotting fees” in  traditional retail markets. Generally, slotting fees are charged in various forms and different manners. Some retailers charge fees only as an insurance payment for new products and allocate the shelf space according to sales figures for their regular assortment. Since I was focusing on market access to the local market. I had the opportunity to meet the relevant people who introduced products and services to the Uzbekistan market. They have shared their experience with the issues in the distribution and realization of their products in the retail market. According to the initial result of my discussion with market participants, I can say that the common perception of corruption among businesspeople is that corruption only concerns the public sector. The illicit trade practice or any measures which modify the conditions in the relevant market, business people always perceived that the main regulator should take more severe measures to ensure fair competition in the market of goods and services. Discussions involved issues relating to introducing goods to the big retailers and wholesale market. As we know from previous studies in business relations salespeople and buying agents have often developed long-term partnerships and gifts may express their mutual appreciation. In this context, it might be difficult to decide whether a gift values long-term business relations or should be considered as an attempt of bribery. However, extraordinarily expensive gifts, favours done to spouses or family members and especially gifts offered before doing business can raise suspicion that such gifts are intended to unduly influence the recipient and should be conceived as an attempt at bribery (Aßländer, M.S. and Storchevoy 2017 ).


During the weekends, I have the opportunity to visit the historical and modern sites of Istanbul. The people in Istanbul is always welcoming and accommodating

Reference list

Aßländer, M.S. and Storchevoy, M.A., 2017. Corruption in the retail industry. In The Handbook of Business and Corruption: Cross-Sectoral Experiences (pp. 481-505). Emerald Publishing Limited.


[2] January 2024, Law n. 7464

January 14, 2025

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